MSL Blog post

SURVEY: What was your highest degree when you started your first MSL job? N=408

It is a common question from aspiring MSL, what degree do I need to break into the MSL role.

It is interesting to see that despite Terminal D degree being the most common answer 66% with 17% having a double Terminal D degree (e.g. MD/PhD, PharmD/PhD); 25% of the MSLs surveyed had a Masters and 8% a Bachelors as highes...

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SURVEY: How much does another company need to pay you extra to make you move as an MSL?

Money is important, but it certainly isn't everything. A quarter (24%)  of the MSLs surveyed said that even a 20% increase would not make them move. They must be really happy in their current job and team.

60% of the MSLs surveyed would want 20% salary increase to consider moving, 10% an increase of 10% is good enough...

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SURVEY: How long did it take you to land your first MSL job? N=416

It is an understatement to say that breaking into the MSL role is difficult and takes a lot of upskilling, dedication, and time...

Too many aspiring MSLs (might) give up too quickly?!

This is the largest survey asking MSLs how long it took them to break in. This survey shows that only 30% managed to get in within 3 m...

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SURVEY: How happy are you in your current MSL role? N=382

Out of 382 MSLs who voted,  77% of MSLs surveyed described the role either as “the Best job ever” 60% or a “great job” 17% ✨

However, 6% said they hated the job but provided little explanation as of why!
Some of the DMs we received mentioned:

  • Bad company/team culture
  • Not happy with the KPIs
  • Too commercial
  • Lack
  • ...
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