MSL Blog post

SURVEY: Is an MBA valuable for a career in medical affairs? N=668

A third thinks it is overrated, another are not sure of the value (yet), and another third says it is needed to climb the corporate ladder. 4% thinks it is a must!

Here are some of your comments:

  1. There are so many things to upskill on, not sure the MBA is number one. I would maybe start with clinical trial developm
  2. ...
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SURVEY: As an MSL, how often do you have to be in the office? N=409

This is the largest MSL survey to assess the work location flexibility of MSLs with over 400 answers across the globe, where we "As an MSL, how often do you have to be in the office?"

We know the MSL is an in-field/KOL facing role. However, a number of companies asks their MSLs to work from the office if they are not ...

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SURVEY: As an MSL, how long should you wait before seeking a promotion? N+500


Roughly a quarter (28%) of the responders would like to see a quick rise on the corporate ladder and be promoted to senior MSL within a year. While the majority (58%) believe that a good 2-3 years of experience is reasonable to have before being promoted to a senior MSL.

Here are some of the comments:

  1. Totally de
  2. ...
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SURVEY: Did you negotiate your first MSL salary? N=1604

Lot's of new MSLs wonder if they should negotiate on their first MSL offer. Should you be just happy and sign, ask for a bit more and see where it gets you, of go hard on them?

Below we captured 4 top tips on how to maximize your salary negotiation. Feel free to comment if we missed anything.

  1. Be factual and use act...
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SURVEY: How important is it for MSLs to go to international conferences? N=411

As an MSL how important is it for you to go to international conferences? N=411

Since COVID most conferences are recorded or can be access virtually live. Due to the cost attached to sending MSLs to conferences a lot of companies have reduced the number and frequency of MSL attending in person. This survey shows what ...

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SURVEY: As an MSL, on average, how many nights a month are you away from home? N=604

As an MSL, on average, how many nights a month are you away from home? N=604
#MSLsurvey #medicalscienceliaison #MSLtravel

This is a commonly asked question from aspiring MSL. They are often wondering if the amount of travel or nights away from home will suit their lifestyle. This is particularly true for professionals...

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SURVEY: How many MSL-KOLs interactions you expected to have per quarter? N=483

How many MSL-KOLs interactions you expected to have per quarter? N =483 votes.
#MSLsurvey #KPIs #medicalscienceliaison

Here are the number of KOLs meeting expected in a quarter (as per KPI):

  • 19% of MSLs have no KOL KPIs
  • 36% have less than 50 KOL meetings per quarter
  • 35% have between 50 and 80 KOL meetings per qua
  • ...
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SURVEY: Newly recruited MSLs are struggling in their first year as an MSL

Is it time to have an honest conversation? FSTP, from SCIENCE to PHARMA, has run the largest survey asking newly recruited MSLs how they feel in their first 12 months in the role.


Out of 735 MSLs who voted, 83% of MSL were struggling in their first 12 months in the role!!

  • 51% said it was a challenge.
  • 18% said t
  • ...
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SURVEY: How did you land your first MSL role?

 “How did you land your first MSL role? Poll is closed. N=379. The results are out.
#MSLsurvey #FirstMSLrole #Medicalscienceliaison #AspiringMSL #MSL #MSLS

Here are the results:

  • Internal referral 39%;
  • Directly via job ads: 36%;
  • External recruiter: 16%;
  • I was headhunted 9%

Thank you to those who voted. We capt...

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SURVEY: How old were you when you started your first MSL job

Many aspiring MSLs are worried that they might be too young OR too old to start as an MSL. So we asked, "How old were you when you started your first MSL job?" The results show that most MSLs started their first MSL job in their 30s. However, a lot of MSLs also started their first role in their 20s and also in their 40...

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