Step 1: The phone call with HR. This interview is to quickly assess your understanding of the MSL role and to ensure you fulfill the key job requirements.
Step 2: The technical and behavioral interview. This interview assesses your skills, competencies and knowledge that are relevant to the MSL role. It also assesses ...
All you need to know about the Medical Science Liaison (MSL) role
The Medical Science Liaison (MSL) role has become one of the most important customer focused roles within the pharmaceutical/biotech industry and this has led to a massive increase in the MSL work force globally. As a consequence, the supply of aspirant...
Last week I spoke to an aspiring MSL, who had recently stared working as a technical sales representative, selling research compounds to researchers and pharma companies.
He asked me if being a technical sales rep is a good job to then move into an MSL role later on?
He had finished his PhD recently. First thing ...
We hear this every day speaking for the first time to aspiring MSLs on the phone who have been trying to break into the MSL role for months!
"I have submitted 40 CVs/resumes and never heard back. It is true, they only want experienced MSLs!"
Sorry, but I have to be blunt and direct with you. Your CV is just not g...
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