MSL Blog post

SURVEY: How many CVs did you send to land your first MSL interview?

How many CVs did you send to land your first MSL interview? Poll is closed. N=413. The results are out.
#MedicalScienceLiaison #MSLcv #aspiringMSL #MSLsurvey #MSLresume

We all know it’s not easy to break into an #MSL role. Even getting to the first interview round can be challenging.  We were very surprised to hear t

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SURVEY: How did you land your first MSL role?

 “How did you land your first MSL role? Poll is closed. N=379. The results are out.
#MSLsurvey #FirstMSLrole #Medicalscienceliaison #AspiringMSL #MSL #MSLS

Here are the results:

  • Internal referral 39%;
  • Directly via job ads: 36%;
  • External recruiter: 16%;
  • I was headhunted 9%

Thank you to those who voted. We capt...

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5 key tips to get your MSL resume through resume-screening tools

Have you ever sent a CV and wonder if someone even read it? Well you might be right.

An applicant tracking system — or ATS, for short — is a type of resume scanning software used by recruiters and employers during the hiring process to collect, sort, scan, and rank the job applications they receive for their open posi...

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Our 5 Resume/CV Tips for aspiring MSLs  

 1 – Adapt your CV to each MSL role you apply for. This is a very common mistake, too many candidates use the same CV for every role they apply for.

 2 - Have a 1/2-page executive summary. It should highlight your key skills, competencies and knowledge that are RELEVANT to THIS MSL role.

 3- Make sure you answer the ...

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MSL CV radio silence - I never hear back from them. They only want experienced MSLs!

We hear this every day speaking for the first time to aspiring MSLs on the phone who have been trying to break into the MSL role for months!

"I have submitted 40 CVs/resumes and never heard back. It is true, they only want experienced MSLs!"

Sorry, but I have to be blunt and direct with you. Your CV is just not g...

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