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Click here, to start your BC-MSLcertā„¢ training todayBoard Certified MSL / BC-MSLcert™
- The only Board Certified MSL platform for aspiring MSLs
- The fastest way to break into an MSL role
- Online MSL training & personalized coaching by senior Medical Affairs Professionals
- Real-life resources on CVs, resumés, cover letters & clinical paper presentations
- Suitable for (PhD, MSc, BSc), pharmacists (PharmD, RP, Mpharm, Bpharm), medical doctors (MD, MBBBS, DO) and nurses.
Board-Certified MSL (BC-MSLcert) Testimonials

Emily Glogowski
BC-MSLcert, MSc
MSL Sanofi, USA
" gives you the advantage and confidence you need to skillfully navigate the process. Since there were 100-150 other applicants for my MSL position, every advantage was necessary."

Jeffrey Mosensen
BC-MSLcert, PhD
MSL Leo Pharma, USA
"...getting an MSL job does take a lot of work and must come from you to get it done. However, the FSTP course gives you all the tools to succeed."

Nicole Rawnsley
BC-MSLcert, PharmD
Senior MSL Ortho, USA
"...After completing the course, I truly felt knowledgeable on the skill sets necessary to be successful as an MSL. I obtained my first MSL role only a few months after starting the program"